
What's your story?

These days I tend to start my day with cereal, coffee and a perusal through blog postings courtesy of my trusty Google Reader.

I can count on, Mitch Joel's blog: Six Pixels of Separation to provide me with enough brain food that, along with my breakfast, gets me off to an inspired and healthy start to the day.

This morning was no exception. Like many of the articles he posts, I related with this one very much: it addressed the idea that we create our own stories.

In particular, he was presenting Donald Miller's new book: A million Miles in a Thousand Years.

I'm not familiar with Donald Miller -a little more now at the time of writing this - but let's say it was a great marketing job complete with a video of Chris Brogan giving the book a review.

The book evidently refers a lot to making our own stories.

Writing your own story means you have to know the protagonist very well and as Donald Miller says, we tend to identify ourselves by how others perceive us.   I'm not sure if I agree; but I look forward to reading the book to understand better what he meant by that as another day and another page of my new story is completed.

Book Notes | Donald Miller Interview, Part 1

Donald Miller Interview, Part 2

Donald Miller Interview, Part 3


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